129. Does Google See the Reel You? (re: TikTok, IG, Twitter, YouTube)


released March 22, 2022
(recorded March 19, 2022) - 1 hour, 21 minutes

On today’s episode of RethinkYour.com we are talking about various online video services and how they relate to your jewelry store marketing, and search engine optimization.  In the early days of YouTube, a video was thought to go viral if it had a few hundred thousand views.  Yet today, on TikTok and Instagram Reels, anyone can create a fun video that launches to more than 4  million viral views within days.  This is why so many people are rushing to establish marketing strategies for short form videos.  Our source today comes from recent information published by Google where they explain how they analyze videos that appear in search results.  In this episode we’re digging video hosting services and giving actionable golden nuggets on how to use your Instagram Reels and TikToks for marketing and for website SEO.  Let’s roll tape, and dive in.

When you have a difference between a content URL and an embedinvalid URL, is always better to include the contact URL in schema.org. The embed URL would be something that is from a third-party hosting service or a shortened version of a URL that is provided when you share. Rather than when you just grab the URL off of the web browser.

For short form videos that are normally used in an app, the video would be available and indexable by Google as long as you can reach the video page through a web browser.

Whenever you’re putting video on your website you need to include structured data with. A long description of what’s in the video.

Google uses two different methods to try and figure out what the moments are within videos. The first method is to download the audio file and analyze it for word so it can create chapters, moments, or topic changes.

The second method is the attempted to go through frame by frame to understand what is being presented. But there is no guarantee that they are going to accurately understand what it is seeing. If there are a lot of fine details in the video frame it make it difficult to distinguish everything shown. One example would be large crowds of people and not being able to distinguish what that crowd is doing other than simply it being a crowd of people. Yet that crowd could be seated in a movie theater, or in a sports stadium, or students gathered on a college campus. Similarly, Google can’t distinguish different types of jewelry if you have several in a single video frame or photo, they would just interpret it as a grouping of jewelry.

Some website platforms use a content delivery network (commonly called a CDN) to host images and videos. Many of these CDNs have built in features that prevent media theft. They do that by changing the URL for the image or video every time there’s a refresh of the web page.

Google won’t be able to index your images or videos is you are using a CDN with these anti-pirating features. In practice, Google is reading the HTML of a page before it processes the actual code. It goes back to re-read a page when it is ready to do the indexing. If the content on the page has changed then Google needs to decide if it will mark the page as different and therefore check if it needs to be index again or if it will read the page and do the indexing at that time.

This makes me believe that if you have a set of products that always refresh and show something new, it is possible that you could be causing an issue. This would apply to widgets that show the latest products uploaded to your site, or maybe the most popular products for today. It could also be an issue if you have a rotating set of products on a category landing page that change with every refresh in hopes to spark interest.

On a technical side, Google has published the IP addresses that uses. You could sniff the IP addresses and then modify the. schema.org code to always give Google the primary source of the image/video so that Google can grab it and analyze it.

Google hopes to be smart enough in the future to not rely on schema.org, but right now it’s the best way to guarantee that Google understands your page, and more importantly, to prevent your page from being miscatagorized.

For marketing, you can use short form videos of under three minutes to provide the basic information for people who want easily an easy way to consume content. You can provide links to more in-depth information. The short form videos are vertical format whereas long form video is horizontal format that is intended for a laptop.

The concept of short form video is to give you all of the concise information in a very quick manner. Google is trying to understand these short form videos. But the difficulty is that TikTok and Instagram Reels intentionally make it impossible for Google to index those videos. Therefore you have to market them yourself or you have to republish them on YouTube.

This is different than the contact creation strategy that you would use if you have a webpage that includes a lot a written text which is created to build content on your website and build authority on your website while also showing images and video next to that long form content.

So Google is trying to come up with a good way to analyze the short form videos from places like TickTock or Instagram reels in order to surface those videos when appropriate in search.

With the complexity of video and the associated meta tags and schema.org, Google says that the most successful website CMS are the ones that allow you to insert html anywhere by changing into a text editor mode.

Reference Desk:

Websites we used for data and mention during this episode:


AT: 03/18/2022 09:27:44 AM  

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